Export Oracle Table
Export Oracle Table as Dump File
For exporting Oracle Table Database you need to execute few command which will dump the whole database . It will also help you to dump tables which also contains binary data.
Perform following steps to dump Oracle table(s) in specific location in .dmp file.
- Lon on to the user with "oracle" user and make a temporary backup directory to collect the output dump & provide full permission.
- "$mkdir -p /home/oracle/backup".
- "chmod 777 /home/orcle/backup/".
2. Connect to the sqlplus using system user id and password & create set baackup directory to above defined path.
Command - If user system user is "system" & password is "password", then use
"sqlplys system/password"
We have set the sql backup dir to the directory defined in step 1 & make EXIT from sql prompt.
3. Run following command to take the dump of specified table. Dump will be created in dir (we will call it BACKUP)
Command - expdp system/password tables=<table_name>, <table_name> directory=BACKUP dumpfile=export_table_output.dmp logfile=export_report_log.log
Parameters are:
- <table_name> = put names of table with "," seperated.
- directory = BACKUP will be the directory which we defined in step 2.
- dumpfile = put name of output .dmp file.
- logfile = put name of log file.
JUST BELIEVE IN TECHNOLOGY.....................
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