Export Oracle Table

Export Oracle Table as Dump File

For exporting Oracle Table Database  you need to execute few command which will dump the whole database . It will also help you to dump tables which also contains binary data.

Perform following steps to dump Oracle table(s) in specific location in .dmp file.

  1.   Lon on to the user with "oracle"  user and make a temporary backup directory to collect the output dump & provide full permission.
         Command - su - oracle
                          -  "$mkdir -p /home/oracle/backup".
                          - "chmod 777 /home/orcle/backup/".

2.  Connect to the sqlplus using system user id and password & create set baackup directory to above       defined path.

     Command - If user system user is "system" & password is "password", then use
                        "sqlplys system/password"
                      - SQL>CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY BACKUP AS '/home/oracle/backup';
 We have set the sql backup dir to the directory defined in step 1 & make EXIT from sql prompt.

3.  Run following command to take the dump of specified table. Dump will be created in dir (we will call it BACKUP)

    Command - expdp system/password tables=<table_name>, <table_name> directory=BACKUP dumpfile=export_table_output.dmp logfile=export_report_log.log

Parameters are:
  • <table_name> = put names of table with "," seperated.
  • directory = BACKUP will be the directory which we defined in step 2.
  • dumpfile = put name of output .dmp file.
  • logfile = put name of log file.
Now its done. Your backup is done and you can restore it anytime.
JUST BELIEVE IN TECHNOLOGY.....................


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